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თბილისი, მ. ასათიანის ქ. 14
ჭავლური ავტოკალამი Classic 205, B წვერით Pelikan
The writing instruments in these series are the epitome of classical writing culture. Featuring a perfect appearance with an unmistakable Pelikan design, they form the elegant writing instruments of our timeless, beautiful Classic series. The shimmering marbled material of the casing is different with every writing instrument. All highlights, like the traditional beak-like clip and the rings are silver chrome-plated. The fountain pen with piston filling mechanism providesa polished stainless steel nib and is available with the nib sizes EF, F, M or B. The M nib creates a medium typeface and is suitable for handwritings with bigger swings.
USP Fountain pen with piston filling mechanism; Polished stainless steel nib with medium nib width; Silver chrome-plated highlights; High-gloss, polished high-grade resin casing; Custom-marbled material; Made in Germany
USP Fountain pen with piston filling mechanism; Polished stainless steel nib with medium nib width; Silver chrome-plated highlights; High-gloss, polished high-grade resin casing; Custom-marbled material; Made in Germany
იხილეთ აგრეთვე
კოდი: FC-1500RG-M-B
ავტოკალამი - Pilot Capless Gold - საშუალო 18 კარატიანი ოქროს წვერი - სასაჩუქრე ყუთი Pilot
650.00 GEL
კოდი: FC-1500R12L-F
ავტოკალამი - Pilot Capless limited edition Charcoal Marble - საშუალო 18 კარატიანი ოქროს წვერი - სასაჩუქრე ყუთი Pilot Pilot
1,100.00 GEL