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Wexór, Bianco Therapy Enzymatic detergent, Regenerates True White - 30 WASH

Product: 4 / 8
Bianco Therapy Wexór is a specific detergent for white garments: the cleansing action revives white and anti-greying, giving an incomparable degree of white from the first wash. This unique formula restores shine and shine to garments thanks to special enzymes and additives. It also removes the effects of time by eliminating the yellowing of the fibers.
Detergent for white clothes, gives an absolute white. It also works cold - exceptional restoration of fabrics that have been stored in wardrobes for a long time - delicate "long-lasting" scent. One cap contains 30 ml.
– In the washing machine: 1 cap approx. (25ml) for 4-5kg of load – 45ml in case of stubborn dirt
– By hand: 1 capful (30ml) in 10lt of water
32.90 GEL

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